What you eating?

by Jingxin Perkins

What are you eating, Mum?

What are you eating, Mum?

This is my Chocolate Merle Cocker Spaniel. He's a hyper-energetic boy who's always on the lookout for food!

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More info please...
by: Pauline

Hi Jingxin,

Thanks for posting those lovely photos of your Chocolate Merle Cocker Spaniel - he's gorgeous!

However, you don't give us much information about him. Would you mind letting us know:

What's his name?
How old is he?
What are his favourite foods?
What mischief does he like to get up to?
Favourite game?
Does he like walking, running, swimming, and going to the beach?

I'm sure there's much more you can share about your gorgeous Cocker!

I am looking forward to hearing more from you soon.

Kind regards,

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