Welcome to my search page where you can look for something specific on my website. Perhaps you've read an article or seen a photo and you'd like to return to it, but can no longer find it? - this page is for you!
This Site Search page will find exactly what you're looking for - quickly and easily!
For example, if you're looking for one of our articles on crate training your puppy, and you wanted to find all pages that mention the word crate, simply type "crate" or "crate training" (without the quotation marks) into the search box below, and then click on the 'Search' button to the right of the box.
The search box is on the right at the top of this page (and all other pages too!).
A list of all our pages containing the word 'Crate' will be displayed.
Choose the page you'd like to open and click on the link - you'll be taken straight to the relevant page.
Why don't you give it a try.....and see for yourself just how easy it is!
Your cocker spaniel search results will be displayed almost immediately!
Alternatively, you can browse our Site Map page which gives a listing of every single article on our website.
Simply click on the title you'd like to read more about and the link will take you there.
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